Miriam Laux

Miriam Laux, Leiterin E-Commerce bei SHW Schmiedetechnik

After completing my Master’s degree in Dialogue Marketing and E-Commerce (M.Sc.), I found the ideal position as an E-Commerce Project Manager at SHW. The varied tasks and the combination of e-commerce and marketing inspire me every day. The versatility of my job and the opportunity for continuous further training give me the chance to develop […]

Jürgen Gruber

Jürgen Gruber, Werkzeugbau bei SHW Schmiedetechnik

I moved from a blacksmith’s shop in Trier to SHW in Friedrichstal 16 years ago. Here I repair traditional and newer machines, which is a constant challenge. Above all, I contribute ideas, which I can usually implement without complications. In addition, passing on my knowledge to the young employees, that makes working at SHW a […]

Stefanie Züfle

Stefanie Züffle, Abteilung E-Commerce bei SHW Schmiedetechnik

After completing my training, I joined SHW over 20 years ago as a sales clerk. I have always enjoyed my varied daily work and the direct contact with our international customers in this position. My supervisor always supported and encouraged me professionally, which gave me the courage to take on a new challenge internally in […]

Vitali Fischer

Vitali Fischer, Werkzeugmechaniker bei SHW Schmiedetechnik

I have been working at SHW-Schmiedetechnik for over 15 years. Here I have enjoyed a well-founded and varied apprenticeship, during which I learned both the mechanics on classic machines and the programming of new automations. The company has supported me with further training to become a trainer, which now enables me to pass on my […]